Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Sutak is a water- base creature with great power, but all his power goes to his sexual desire. Sutak is one horny guy, when he feel horny he gets so hot that in five seconds his body starts to melt. Sutak’s race has high sexual etiquette which means he must court the female before he can have some sex, so within that five seconds he must meet a female court her and have sex or he will melt into the ocean. Sutak (Great angry ocean) lives just above the ocean.


Hoark is a philosopher, the lines above his head is a halo. Hoark rides around on his green energy board. He loves to figure out the answers to society’s problems and is big on giving answers. He is very logical and not emotional at all. He has great power but all his power goes to his ego. Hoark loves discussions, debates, but most of all he loves to lecture. His vocabulary is so massive it might as well be another language. When he lectures no one understands him because his choice of words are so difficult only he understands himself, but his massive ego will not allow him to use words that most will understand , so he basically talks to himself. 

Ping Pong 

Every 100000 years there is an Olympic games. All the different races compete in this game of Ping Pong. This game is unique because it takes place in the air, it is played on a table that is in constant motion because it is owned by the individual standing on it and he allows for this game to take place; actually it is the only place that this game can take place. The board is being flown around in mid air as the individual goes about his business. The stars changes colors to indicate the players and the numbers of stars increase or decrease to keep score. 


He is very religious guy who devoted his entire life to meditation.
He   does this so he can control his desires. He prays for the world.
He dreams about what happens to society and cries, when he cries his whole body cries
His tears are blacks and run down his face
Homan has his magic carpet, the colours above his head is his halo
He lives in the sky.
He is father of Sutak.



His energy comes from his farts, his farts create the balloon like contraptions upon which he moves around on and sleeps on. When Banja farts the sound is like that of a musical sea shell when it is blown.
Banja’s farts is music the those who hears them, this sound is so enticing that it creates within those who hears it a mood of romance, a feeling of intense sexuality, men and women falls in-love or lust. Banja has never been seen by anyone, but his music is known throughout the world as “Spring Fever”.
Bu to t Banja, his farts are anything but romantic; this is his method of travel it propels him from tree top to tree top; Banja like to rests on the tops of trees, he likes the feeling of how the trees moves as the wind pushes the branches around, so he glides from tree to tree by his farts and so doing creates, music and Spring Fever.

Tang Tang

He is a messenger, the green blobs on his body send out messages continuously, into the universe seeking other life forms. It is these beings’ purpose to   inform other beings about the existence of The Fifth World. When one of these messengers gets a response he communicates the history, the culture the location of the Fifth World. The messengers can communicate with beings as well as computers. They can speaks over a thousand different languages and can understand and fluently communicate in all dialects that are derived from these basic languages. They can also create and understand languages that they may not be initially be fluent in because these 1000 languages are like the alphabet of any form of communication .  This ability is not learnt but is written so to speak within the DNA of these beings.
Even though their bodies are strong and solid these beings do not have any bones. The green blobs are his communicating centres and they glow continuously within, the light is so strong it can blind those who sees it, so the exterior is somewhat matted. Once communication is established and all the info has been given or transferred this being rises upwards into the atmosphere and then shoots into the universe becoming a shouting star he or she heads towards the location where the contact came from this way showing the way to The Fifth World.

99 Days

The monkeys are travelling to a very special place; this journey takes 99 days to complete. On this journey the monkeys do not eat or drink anything, as time passes they  temporarily looses their eye sight, the only way to continue the journey is by the sense of  smell.  They follow t a particular scent. This scent is of a special herb that only grows in the pace they are travelling to, but before arriving at their destination they have to pass through an area that is all white and is covered with what appears to be snowflakes like objects. If the monkeys had their sight this area will cause them to go blind.
This snow flake- like objects are actually living creatures that lie dormant until the monkeys enters the area; these are the only life forms that these creatures react to. These silvery like creatures rises up and floats in string like forms towards the monkeys. The flakes first only seek out the males avoiding the females. The flakes swirl around the male monkeys finding them way into the fur of the monkeys as they seek contact with the bare skin of the monkeys. Once they touch the monkeys the flakes continue to touch ever skin part of the, this motion bring exquisite pleasure to the monkeys to such a degree that the monkeys becomes highly sexually stimulated.   The flakes continue their motion over the male monkeys until the males collapses in ecstasy and like bees takes honey the silver creatures takes the DNA of the males , then they move to the female monkeys whom became highly excited from the smell of the aroused males. Then unlike the hurried seeking of the skin of the males  , the silver creatures dance through the fur of the female as they glide towards the skin of the females in what appears to be in a musical movement similar to the motion involved in playing a harp,. Once their touches the skins the creatures seek out the sexual organs of the females whose body by this time has swollen, the creatures deposited the DNA of the males and then float back to their resting places
This is how the monkeys procreate, after a short period of rest the monkeys feels stronger and they continue their journey arriving in 99 days.


He is the weatherman; he brings spring showers that look like millions and millions of lolly pops falling from the sky.  These beautiful lolly pop showers are very fragile and when they hit the ground or any solid object they shatter instantly and splash into millions upon millions of tiny sparkles that fly everywhere. These showers contain the essence of antioxidants.. All the creatures and all the people come out  into the showers , takes off all their clothes and lay on the ground exposing themselves to the showers, so their bodies becomes healthy, young and fresh.

Boldingo Beka

This being does not have any bones. His body is covered with shells; he does not have eyes for seeing. His hair is made of antennas . No one knows from where he comes and as far back as recorded history Boldigo-Beka existed, no knowledge of his actual age exists. It is believed that the shells that makes up his body records his age much like the rings of a tree, but no one knows how to read the shells. Some says that he must be part animal, some says that he must be like a Caterpillar and somehow is in slow metamorphosis, while others believed he evolved from boneless fish His antennas are constantly receiving messages but he never communicates. It is believed that he is very wise . He seems to show no interest or excitement in anything or anyone, he moves very very slow.  He is always there. Boldigo-Beka is the only one of his kind.


Makki is a creature that is a combination of all the primitive races that ever existed. This creature  is the offspring of the African tribe, the native Indian tribe, the Asian tribes, the white tribe, he is of every tribe that ever existed. Like people today who is concern with accumulations of "things" , money, cars, clothes, to define them , Makki is concern with acquiring things of importance but everything Makki acquires he must make it a part of his body , that mean he permanently attached  his acquisitions right into his flesh for all to see.
The things that are Makki riches are things we consider worthless or have very little monetary value. 

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